Garden in the Spotlight
We are honored to have been featured in both print and television media, including in our own interview episode of Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters' Sacred Sounds and Spaces.

Sacred Sounds and Spaces: Goddess Garden Atlanta

2022 Spring Equinox Gratitude Blessing

Dragon's Tongue Blooms and the Medicine Wheel
Books About the Goddess Garden Atlanta

Return of the Divine Sophia
Author Tricia McCannon is a renowned clairvoyant, teacher, and mystical symbologist. She is a Priestess initiated in the lineage of the Fellowship of Isis and a long-time student of Shasta Zaring. Return of the Divine Sophia is dedicated in part to Shasta and the Goddess Garden, featuring both prominently in its text.

She Weaves is an in-progress coffee table book presenting the unique teachings, blended mythologies, living legacy and artistic creations of Shasta Zaring and the women of the Goddess Garden Atlanta. We believe the timing of such a book is important within the context of our changing Earth and social structures.